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Training ServicesHalf Day Workshops

Managing Project Risk

The Challenge
Every project has issues. Issues are threats to a project that have materialized, and they can drain a project team of needed energy and time. Experience has shown us that proactive management of project risk can reduce the incidence and severity of issues by up to 90%. The advantages to proactive management of risk are enormous, but how can we do this in a way that actually works?

The Solution
This workshop explains the origin of risk, where project threats commonly originate, and how to manage those threats. You will be led through a series of exercises, each of which contributes to establishment of an effective Risk Management Practice. Participants leave with an exceptional set of tools that they can use immediately in their projects.

Who should attend
Project and program managers, project leads, PMO staff, anyone who manages project managers, functional managers with project responsibility.

Learning Objectives – Understand the following:
  • Nature of project risk
  • Sources of project risk
  • Impact of human factors
  • Planning for risk management
  • Identifying project risks
  • Analyzing project risks
  • Risk response planning
  • Expected Monetary Value
  • Controlling risk
  • Issues management
  • Benefits of Risk Management
Learning Approach
  • A highly experienced instructor will use interactive lecture format, hands-on exercises, group discussions and other techniques to drive home the essential points of this material.
  • We will build on your prior experience in this topic, while providing you with a structure and vocabulary to use in all of your future projects.
  • If you have modest project management knowledge, you will find that the clarity of the material and direct presentation style of the instructor will make the subject matter easy to understand.
  • You will receive a Student Guide which will help you follow the material, take notes and retain what you learned so that you can apply it on your job.
Why should I take this course?
  • Management of Project Risk presents an effective approach to working with project risk. The message is clear: there is much we can do to be proactive about project risk and minimize its impact on our projects.
  • Take this workshop and learn what you can do to make full use of these effective risk management best practices and tools.

Every course and workshop in our Project Training program is fully customizable. We offer virtual delivery of the training program you need. Call us: +1.919.495.7371.

All of our courses are fully compliant with the latest release of each relevant standards document such as the PMBOK® Guide, Standard for Portfolio Management, BABOK® Guide, and others.
Course Information
Course ID: 7058
Duration: Half Day
Class size: 6 - 40
· PMP® certified instruction
· Student Guide
· Free Templates
· Participation Certificate
· 3 PDUs

Download this course description as a printable PDF document.
Pricing Information
On-site discounts are available.
Ready to enroll?
Fill out the Training Request Form online or call 1-800-877-8129
(+1 919-495-7371)

Questions?  Please feel free to Contact Us

Training Providers:
License this courseware!  Call 1-800-877-8129
(+1 919-495-7371)
for more information.
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