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3 August 2010 - For Immediate Release

CVR/IT Consulting LLC Announces Availability of a New Project Practice Assessment Tool: OPA_P3®

Organizational Project Management assessments are available immediately

CVR/IT Consulting LLC, a NC based Project Management Services provider serving the Raleigh Metropolitan Area, announced today availability of a new project management practice assessment tool. OPA_P3® greatly expands the range of assessment services that CVR/IT Consulting offers its customers. The tool can be used to evaluate an organization’s standardization, use and difficulties with known best practices in project, program and project portfolio management. Dr. Gary J. Evans, owner of CVR/IT Consulting and author of OPA_P3®, reports that the tool is well grounded in numerous worldwide project management standards. OPA_P3® is designed to quickly provide a wealth of information about an organization’s project, program and portfolio management practice. This information can be used to improve project selection, planning and execution and thereby enhance long-term project value.

Implementation of Project and Portfolio Management principles and techniques is fast becoming a primary key to success in many top industries today. Dr. Evans has over two decades of project management experience and years of hands-on PMO development work. He has been helping businesses and business professionals achieve their project and professional goals through advanced project management and PMO training and consulting since 2002.

Organizational assessments employing the new OPA_P3® tool are available to existing and new customers starting immediately.

About CVR/IT Consulting LLC
CVR/IT Consulting is a project services and training company located in Raleigh/Durham NC. The company provides formal professional consultation in all matters related to Project Management, including PMO Setup and Optimization, training, project practice assessment, organizational change management and Project Portfolio management. The principal, Dr. Gary Evans, is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and past officer of the North Carolina chapter of the Project Management Institute (


For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Dr. Gary Evans at , or +1.919.495.7371 or 1-800-877-8129

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To learn more about project practice assessments available through CVR/IT Consulting, please Click Here

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