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Raleigh, NC; January 20, 2012 – For Immediate Release

CVR/IT Consulting LLC Announces Release of a New Risk Management Tool: Comprehensive Risk Register with Cost Analysis (CRRCA®)

New Risk Management Tool includes advanced functions suitable for management of threats and opportunities commonly found in large and complex projects

Available immediately, CVR/IT Consulting has added a new and full-featured risk management tool to its Project Management Template Library. This tool, Comprehensive Risk Register with Cost Analysis (CRRCA®) PDF, is intended for use in projects where control of schedule and cost is critical, or where protection of enterprise, environment or population is a concern. CRRCA® provides a full range of capabilities such as separate threat and opportunity registers; cost and time quantitative analysis; calculation of Contingency Reserves, time and monetary costs of Proactive Responses, Risk Exposure, Risk Response Efficiency, and Net Gain/Loss for Opportunities; Summary Report for Management; extensive built-in help; and step by step instructions Despite its extensive feature set, this advanced risk register is notable for its ease of use.

CRRCA® is one of the many project tools in the Project Management Template Library that promote effective project management and business analysis practice. It is part of a collection of risk management tools that provides extensive support to the risk manager. Other tools in the risk management template set include Quick Project Risk Evaluator, Opportunity Discovery tool, Standard Risk Register for smaller projects, and a Risk Management Plan.

CVR/IT Consulting templates have received worldwide acceptance, as shown in this message from a user in Australia: "Brilliant! Fantastic templates – you have made my job 95% easier..." All templates are PMBOK® and IIBA® compliant.

Dr. Gary J. Evans PMP, author of the Template Library, brings over two decades of project management and business analysis experience to the development of CVR/IT Consulting's extensive collection of project management tools.

CRRCA® is available immediately on the company's web site:

About CVR/IT Consulting LLC

CVR/IT Consulting LLC is a Project Services and Training company located in the greater metropolitan area of Raleigh, NC. The company provides formal professional consultation in all matters related to Project Management and Business Analysis, as well as training, PM practice assessment, and guidance in Project Portfolio Management. The company's library of high quality templates is currently used in over 20 countries. The principal, Dr. Gary Evans, is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP®) and past officer of the North Carolina chapter of the Project Management Institute (

For more information on the product visit

Interview contact:
Dr. Gary J. Evans, PMP



This press release is of interest to editors and journalists covering Project Management, Project Management Education, and General Business.

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